Flying a Drone in Tanzania: Important Rules and Laws

Tanzania, the land of Kilimanjaro, Serengeti, and Zanzibar, is a dream destination for many travelers. But if you’re planning to capture its beauty from the sky with your drone, there are some important regulations you need to be aware of. Short answer you will need a Permit. If you don’t have a permit prior to flying in its possible they will take your drone before you leave the airport.


Drone Laws in Tanzania

Tanzania’s drone laws are quite specific. Only drones weighing 7 kilograms (15.5 pounds) or less may be flown in the country. To fly a drone in Tanzania, you must first obtain permission from the Tanzania Civil Aviation Authority (TCAA).


However, it’s not just about the weight of the drone. There are other considerations too. For example, flying drones in national parks is strictly prohibited. This includes the famous Kilimanjaro National Park.


Also, anyone caught flying a drone in Tanzania without a permit could face up to two years in prison or a fine of $3,000. Therefore, it’s crucial to understand and comply with all the regulations before you bring your drone to Tanzania.


How to Obtain a Drone Permit in Tanzania

To operate a drone within Tanzania, you need a permit from the TCAA. The process to obtain this permit includes several requirements, such as having a minimum of 3 years’ experience as a pilot or navigator.


Only citizens and residents may own a drone in Tanzania. If you’re a tourist and want to bring your drone to Tanzania, you’ll need to obtain certification from an internationally recognized body in your home country that you are able to operate the drone.


Can You Fly a Drone on Mount Kilimanjaro?

Unfortunately, the answer is no. Tanzanian regulatory authorities and animal conservation agencies have made it clear that using aerial drones in Tanzania’s national parks, such as Kilimanjaro, is prohibited.


Tanzania is home to some of the world’s most unique and diverse wildlife. The use of drones can disrupt their natural behaviors and cause stress, which is why it is prohibited in places like national parks.



Flying a drone in Tanzania requires careful planning and adherence to the country’s strict drone laws. Always remember to respect local laws and wildlife when operating a drone. With proper preparation and respect for the law, you can enjoy capturing Tanzania’s stunning landscapes from the sky.


Remember, the magic of Tanzania isn’t just in its skies. It’s in the wildlife, the people, and the incredible landscapes that make this country so special. So even if you can’t fly your drone, you’ll still find plenty of ways to capture the beauty of Tanzania.