Table of Contents

31. Discover New Apps or Mobile Games

Download new apps or mobile games to explore during your flight. From puzzle games and strategy challenges to interactive stories and simulation experiences, there’s a wealth of options available to keep you entertained for hours. I recommend downloading our list of best travel apps before your flight.


32. Create a Travel Itinerary or Budget

Utilize your time on the plane to create a detailed travel itinerary, complete with activities, accommodations, and transportation plans. Additionally, you can work on a budget for your trip, estimating costs and allocating funds to different categories. This is one of the travel ideas you should do before your flight but you can use your time to get even more detailed.


33. Listen to Stand-up Comedy or Radio Plays

Download stand-up comedy routines or radio plays to enjoy during your flight. These audio experiences can provide humor, drama, and storytelling that will keep you engaged and entertained throughout your journey.


34. Work on a Puzzle Book

Bring along a puzzle book, such as word searches, logic puzzles, or brainteasers, to challenge your mind and pass the time during your flight. These activities can improve your cognitive skills while providing hours of entertainment.


35. Plan and Write Your Next Blog Post or Article

If you’re a blogger or writer, use your time in the air to brainstorm ideas, outline, and write your next blog post or article. With limited distractions, you can focus on crafting engaging content and making progress on your writing projects. For someone like me with a Travel blog and makes Travel Videos this is something that I do a lot. Editing videos on the plane, especially during long flights.


36. Create Digital Art or Design

If you have a tablet and stylus, use the time during your flight to create digital art or work on design projects. Experiment with new techniques or styles, or simply have fun expressing your creativity.


37. Learn About Your Destination’s Culture and History

Prepare for your arrival by learning about the culture, history, and customs of your destination. Read books, articles, or watch documentaries related to the country or region you’re visiting to gain a deeper understanding and appreciation for the place. This is another one of the flight ideas that you should do before you book its always good to do more research before you get there so you have ideas fresh on your mind.


38. Practice Mind Mapping or Brainstorming Techniques

Use your time on the flight to practice mind mapping or brainstorming techniques for personal or professional projects. By visually organizing your thoughts and ideas, you can gain clarity, improve creativity, and enhance problem-solving skills.


39. Reflect on Your Personal Growth and Development

Take advantage of the uninterrupted time to reflect on your personal growth and development. Assess your progress in different areas of life, identify areas for improvement, and set actionable goals to work towards once you return from your trip.


40. Try Guided Imagery or Visualization Exercises

Practice guided imagery or visualization exercises to promote relaxation, reduce stress, and improve mental well-being. By focusing on positive images and scenarios, you can create a calming atmosphere and even improve your mood during your journey.