Monetizing YouTube Shorts in 2023: Opportunities and Challenges


As YouTube Shorts continue to gain popularity in 2023, many content creators are exploring ways to monetize their short-form videos. Although YouTube Shorts initially lacked direct monetization options when it first launched, the platform has since evolved, answering the question everyone wants to know. Does YouTube shorts make money? YouTube is now offering creators new opportunities to generate income from their short form content. In this article, we will discuss how YouTube Shorts can make money for creators and the challenges they may face.


Monetization Opportunities


1. YouTube Partner Program

For creators who meet the eligibility criteria, joining the YouTube Partner Program (YPP) is a primary way to monetize their content. The YPP allows creators to earn money from ads placed on their videos, including YouTube Shorts. However, it’s essential to note that creators must meet specific requirements, such as having at least 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 watch hours in the past 12 months, to join the program.


2. YouTube Shorts Fund

In response to the growing popularity of short-form content, YouTube introduced the YouTube Shorts Fund. This fund is dedicated to rewarding creators who produce engaging and high-quality Shorts. While the eligibility criteria for the fund may vary, YouTube has expressed its commitment to supporting content creators who contribute to the growth of the Shorts platform.


How much money does YouTube shorts pay?

The rules are different than the YouTube partner program. The YouTube shorts funds are split between the eligible short content creators, the music creators, and YouTube. Basically, for 1 million views on a shorts video expect to receive around $75-$350 dollars for USA Content Creators.


3. Brand Partnerships and Sponsored Content

Content creators can also monetize their YouTube Shorts through brand partnerships and sponsored content. As brands recognize the value of short-form video content, they may collaborate with creators to produce sponsored YouTube Shorts or incorporate their products or services within the videos. This can provide creators with an additional revenue stream, but it’s essential to maintain transparency with viewers by disclosing sponsored content according to FTC guidelines.


4. Merchandise Sales and Affiliate Marketing

Creators can use their YouTube Shorts to promote merchandise sales or participate in affiliate marketing programs. By showcasing products or including affiliate links in the video description, creators can earn a commission from sales generated through their content. This can be an effective way to monetize YouTube Shorts, especially for creators with a strong and engaged audience.


Challenges Faced by YouTube Shorts Creators

While there are opportunities to make money from YouTube Shorts, creators may also face challenges in monetizing their content.


  1. Competition: As YouTube Shorts gain popularity, the platform becomes increasingly saturated with content, making it more challenging for creators to stand out and attract viewers and advertisers.
  2. Ad Revenue Limitations: Unlike traditional YouTube videos, YouTube Shorts have limited ad placements, which may result in lower ad revenue for creators.
  3. Content Restrictions: Creators must adhere to YouTube’s content guidelines and policies, which may limit their ability to monetize certain types of content or explore controversial topics.


In conclusion, while YouTube Shorts offer creators new opportunities to make money in 2023, it’s essential to be aware of the challenges associated with monetizing short-form video content. By staying informed about the latest platform developments and exploring various monetization strategies, creators can maximize their earning potential and capitalize on the growing popularity of YouTube Shorts. Also, check out our post about 50 ways to earn $100 dollars a day.